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Creating a Populator to duplicate the ProductPrimaryImagePopulator functionality

I have extended the default product type to also have a videos attribute that is identical to the identical to the images attribute, except for the name:

<itemtype code="Product" extends="GenericItem" autocreate="false" generate="false">
    <description>Extend the product type to also hold links to videos.</description>
        <attribute qualifier="videos" type="MediaContainerList">
            <description>List of videos for a given product</description>
            <persistence type="property"/>

I am now trying to copy the ProductPrimaryImagePopulator to set the videos in the Data object, but I am missing something obvious. Here is the code and the error:

import de.hybris.platform.core.model.product.ProductModel;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.dto.converter.ConversionException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ProductVideoPopulator<SOURCE extends ProductModel, TARGET extends ProductData>
        extends AbstractProductImagePopulator<SOURCE, TARGET> {
    public void populate(final SOURCE productModel, final TARGET productData) throws ConversionException {
        final MediaContainerModel primaryImageMediaContainer = getPrimaryImageMediaContainer(productModel);
        if (primaryImageMediaContainer != null) {
            final List<ImageData> imageList = new ArrayList<ImageData>();

            // Use the first container as the primary image
            addImagesInFormats(primaryImageMediaContainer, ImageDataType.PRIMARY, 0, imageList);

            for (final ImageData imageData : imageList) {
                if (imageData.getAltText() == null) {

    protected MediaContainerModel getPrimaryImageMediaContainer(final SOURCE productModel) {
        final MediaModel picture = (MediaModel) getProductAttribute(productModel, ProductModel.PICTURE);
        if (picture != null) {
            return picture.getMediaContainer();
        return null;

The error

   [yjavac] Compiling 1 source file to /Users/riley/dev/work/hybrisdemo/core-customize/hybris/bin/custom/demo/demofacades/classes
   [yjavac] ----------
   [yjavac] 1. ERROR in /Users/riley/dev/work/hybrisdemo/core-customize/hybris/bin/custom/demo/demofacades/src/com/nobiz/demo/facades/populators/ (at line 15)
   [yjavac]     extends AbstractProductImagePopulator<SOURCE, TARGET> {
   [yjavac]             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   [yjavac] AbstractProductImagePopulator cannot be resolved to a type
   [yjavac] ----------
   [yjavac] 2. ERROR in /Users/riley/dev/work/hybrisdemo/core-customize/hybris/bin/custom/demo/demofacades/src/com/nobiz/demo/facades/populators/ (at line 17)
   [yjavac]     public void populate(final SOURCE productModel, final TARGET productData) throws ConversionException {
   [yjavac]                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   [yjavac] The method populate(SOURCE, TARGET) of type ProductVideoPopulator<SOURCE,TARGET> must override or implement a supertype method
   [yjavac] ----------
   [yjavac] 2 problems (2 errors)

Another issue I know I will need to resolve is in the ProductModel.PICTURE, Eclipse is not showing me that value, what should I be using to get the videos?


  • AbstractProductImagePopulator cannot be resolved to a type

    I'm guessing that you have not defined the dependencies.

    AbstractProductImagePopulator exists in commercefacades. Make sure demofacades defines commercefacades as a dependency in extensioninfo.xml.

    Another issue I know I will need to resolve is in the ProductModel.PICTURE, Eclipse is not showing me that value, what should I be using to get the videos?

    Since you added Product.videos in items.xml, something like ProductModel.VIDEOS should be available in ProductModel.

    Make sure to resolve all build / compilation errors first. Then, check if it's all good. Additionally, you will also need to add the populator to the converter that will convert the ProductModel.