I've stumbled over this in AS3.
while(y.t<ys) y.(y.t++, 0);
And I'm wondering, what's this strange dot parentheses syntax .()
? What is it supposed to do ?
Moreover i've tried a snippet of code including this in a browser and this make Flash hang//crash silently. Any idea why ?
Thanks you
edit: The original code is there as3-crypto
ps: I would infer it's some kind of dot notation followed by comma operator but i can't be sure at this point.
So, I investigated that thing a bit. First, I located the mentioned as3crypto repo and checked that the given code line is, indeed, there. The line there was not documented in any way and still makes no actual sense in AS3 terms.
Second, I viewed the deployed SWC library with decompiler, and, yet again, exactly that one place makes no sense and comes out malformed, which might be the sign that library was initially composed not in AS3 but maybe in HAXE.
Finally, I moved to the repo issues section seeking for the way to inquire the owner about that line, but then I have just noticed that such an issue is already open: https://github.com/timkurvers/as3-crypto/issues/14
So, the conclusion remains the same as I initially announced: it is not any valid AS3 syntax and probably just an error (maybe a translation mistake) in the repo.