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Installing flask-mysqldb gives "mysql_config not found"

I'm trying to install flask-mysql on ubuntu 18.04 and I keep getting this error:

(base) ether@ether:~/Documents/loginsystem$ pip install flask-mysqldb
Collecting flask-mysqldb
  Using cached
Requirement already satisfied: Flask>=0.10 in /home/ether/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from flask-mysqldb) (1.0.2)
Collecting mysqlclient (from flask-mysqldb)
  Using cached
    Complete output from command python egg_info:
    /bin/sh: 1: mysql_config: not found
    /bin/sh: 1: mariadb_config: not found
    /bin/sh: 1: mysql_config: not found
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip-install-txlk8w2u/mysqlclient/", line 16, in <module>
        metadata, options = get_config()
      File "/tmp/pip-install-txlk8w2u/mysqlclient/", line 61, in get_config
        libs = mysql_config("libs")
      File "/tmp/pip-install-txlk8w2u/mysqlclient/", line 29, in mysql_config
        raise EnvironmentError("%s not found" % (_mysql_config_path,))
    OSError: mysql_config not found

Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-txlk8w2u/mysqlclient/

I tried to run sudo pip install and pip3 install flask-mysqldb but each time I received the same error as posted above.

What can I do to fix this?


  • The error message is pretty clear:

    OSError: mysql_config not found

    You need mysql_config. Install either libmariadbclient-dev or libmysqlclient-dev with apt.

    Then try using pip again, but not with sudo.

    Mixing system-level Python packages and pip-installed packages is a recipe for disaster. It looks like you already have a virtualenv for your project, so use that. Bonus points if you specify your dependencies in a requirements.txt file or Pipfile.