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AD FS custom authentication provider did not return an authentication method claim

I have made a custom authentication provider for AD FS MFA.

I have defined an authentication method claim in the metadata:

public string[] AuthenticationMethods
    get { return new string[] { "" }; }

I also have an TryEndAuthentication method (this is only for lab purposes, I will change the hardcoded pin once this part works):

 public IAdapterPresentation TryEndAuthentication(IAuthenticationContext context, IProofData proofData, System.Net.HttpListenerRequest request, out System.Security.Claims.Claim[] claims)
        claims = null;
        IAdapterPresentation result = null;
        string pin = proofData.Properties["pin"].ToString();
        if (pin == "12345")
            System.Security.Claims.Claim claim = new System.Security.Claims.Claim("", "");
            claims = new System.Security.Claims.Claim[] { claim };
            result = new AdapterPresentation("Authentication failed.", false);
        return result;

But when i deploy this in my AD FS it gives me this error when i sign on correctly: The Authentication provider did not return an authentication method claim

Does anyone know what went wrong?


  • I figured it out. The URI for the claim should use http. Not https.

    You should change below line

    if (pin == "12345")
                System.Security.Claims.Claim claim = new System.Security.Claims.Claim("", "");
                claims = new System.Security.Claims.Claim[] { claim };


    if (pin == "12345")
                System.Security.Claims.Claim claim = new System.Security.Claims.Claim("", "");
                claims = new System.Security.Claims.Claim[] { claim };

    and then it will work.

    I made this same mistake when I copied the sample adapter code from

    I have submitted the correction on github which should get committed soon.