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How to use UnitTest++ installed with apt in Ubuntu

$ sudo apt install libunittest++-dev

After that

$ sudo find / -iname "*UnitTest++.*" 2> /dev/null

But there's no libUnitTest++.a as I have in Windows where I compiled UnitTest++ myself according the instructions here. Also I don't see the source code files.

Can I use this installation for my testing or need to download the sources and compile them myself? Or how can I use instead of libUnitTest++.a?

Here is one of my tests:

#include "UnitTest++/UnitTest++.h"
#include "skip_list.cpp"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

    SkipListNode<int> node(15, 2);

    CHECK_EQUAL(15, node.key);
    CHECK_EQUAL(2, node.height);

int main(int, const char *[])
   return UnitTest::RunAllTests();

Now it says:

g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -g  skip_list_test.cpp
/tmp/cc2zCui4.o: In function `TestNodeTest::RunImpl() const':
/home/greg/study/data_structures/02_03_01_skip_list/skip_list_test.cpp:16: undefined reference to `UnitTest::CurrentTest::Details()'


  • Just as you did in your answer, you need to tell g++ to include the library. There, you provide it with the full path to the libUnitTest++.a archive file that you compiled yourself as an input.

    To use the library installed by your system package manager -- in this case, apt -- it would be more common to provide a linker directive. In this case, -l UnitTest++ instructs the linker to "search my system library paths for"

    $ g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -g  skip_list_test.cpp -l UnitTest++ -o skip_list_test.out
    $ ./skip_list_test.out
    Success: 1 tests passed.
    Test time: 0.00 seconds.