I start my application which spawns a number of Threads, each of which creates a NamedPipeServer (.net 3.5 added managed types for Named Pipe IPC) and waits for clients to connect (Blocks). The code functions as intended.
private void StartNamedPipeServer()
using (NamedPipeServerStream pipeStream =
new NamedPipeServerStream(m_sPipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, m_iMaxInstancesToCreate, PipeTransmissionMode.Message, PipeOptions.None))
while (!m_bShutdownRequested)
Console.WriteLine("Client connection received by {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
Now I also need a Shutdown method to bring this process down cleanly. I tried the usual bool flag isShutdownRequested trick. But the pipestream stays blocked on the WaitForConnection() call and the thread doesn't die.
public void Stop()
m_bShutdownRequested = true;
for (int i = 0; i < m_iMaxInstancesToCreate; i++)
Thread t = m_serverThreads[i];
NamedPipeServerStream pipeStream = m_pipeServers[i];
if (pipeStream != null)
if (pipeStream.IsConnected)
Console.Write("Shutting down {0} ...", t.Name);
Console.WriteLine(" done!");
Join never returns.
An option that I didnt try but would possibly work is to call Thread.Abort and eat up the exception. But it doesn't feel right.. Any suggestions
Update 2009-12-22
Sorry for not posting this earlier.. This is what I received as a response from Kim Hamilton (BCL team)
The "right" way to do an interruptible WaitForConnection is to call BeginWaitForConnection, handle the new connection in the callback, and close the pipe stream to stop waiting for connections. If the pipe is closed, EndWaitForConnection will throw ObjectDisposedException which the callback thread can catch, clean up any loose ends, and exit cleanly.
We realize this must be a common question, so someone on my team is planning to blog about this soon.
Switch to the asynchronous version: BeginWaitForConnection
If it does ever complete, you'll need a flag so the completion handler can just call EndWaitForConnection
absorbing any exceptions and exiting (call End... to ensure any resources are able to be cleaned up).