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Extending supertest in Typescript

I'm trying to create a extension on supertest.

Using what I found in question Extending SuperTest. I have this working example on javascript:

const request = require('supertest');
const Test = request.Test;

Test.prototype.authenticate = function(user) {
  const {token, xsrfToken} = user.tokens;

  return this
   .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`)
   .set('X-XSRF-TOKEN', xsrfToken);

And inside a test block I can use:


This works fine. The problem now is to use the extension in a *.test.ts file.

As suggested in Extend Express Request object using Typescript, I try to create a file to use the typescript feature Declaration Merging.

// file location: ./src/types/supertest

declare namespace supertest {
  export interface Test {
    authenticate(user: any): this; // I didn't put a type on user to simplify here.

and also changed my tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {


    "typeRoots": ["./src/types"],



But when I run npx tsc

$ npx tsc
src/api/user.test.ts:51:8 - error TS2551: Property 'authenticate' does not exist on type 'Test'.

51       .authenticate(user);

Is there a way to fix this on typescript environment?

Extra Information (not necessarily useful):
In the same project I have extensions on express, chai and pdf-merge-js. All of them works fine using the approach described above.

There is something peculiar about supertest maybe about @types/supertest that is preventing it to work.

This is a little bit of the code in my project that already work's for express:

// file location: ./src/types/express
import { ModelBase } from '../../models/base';

declare global {
  namespace Express {
    export interface Response {
      model: (model: ModelBase) => this;


  • I'm not sure why, but this worked for me:

    declare module "supertest" {
      interface Test extends superagent.SuperAgentRequest {
        authenticate(user: any): this;


      - supertest
        - index.d.ts

    My index.ts:

    import request from "supertest";
    import express from "express";
    const app = express();
    app.get("/user", function (req, res) {
      res.status(200).json({ name: "john" });
      .authenticate({ tokens: { token: "", xsrfToken: "" } })

    My tsconfig.json:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "outDir": "dist",
        "rootDir": ".",
        "typeRoots": ["./types", "./node_modules/@types"],
        "esModuleInterop": true
      "files": ["./types/supertest/index.d.ts", "index.ts"]

    My types/supertest/index.d.ts:

    import superagent from "superagent";
    declare module "supertest" {
      interface Test extends superagent.SuperAgentRequest {
        authenticate(user: any): this;

    I think that declare module "supertest" is the key part. Everything else you got right.