I am following this question to create a query that retrieves one random item from a firebase collection in an Angular 9 app using AngularFire.
The solution works fine and I get an expected outcome except when the query returns 0 results. If that happens I want to repeat the query changing some parameters until I get one item, and only then return an observable which to subscribe to in other services. I am learning how to use Observables and RxJS 6 operators, and I think that the expand
operator is what I need. However, I am unable to prevent expand
from exiting of the recursive loop until I achieve the desired result.
This is my code:
fetchDocumentoAleatorio(coleccionPath: string): Observable<any> {
const IdRandom = this.db.createId();
return this.consultaAleatorio(coleccionPath, '>=', IdRandom)
.pipe(expand((document: any) => document === null ? this.consultaAleatorio(coleccionPath, '<=', IdRandom) : EMPTY
), // I expect to repeat the query here changing '>=' to '<=' and using the same randomly generated Id
map((document) => { // The recursive loop never takes place since the map operator triggers even if consultaAleatorio() returns null one single time, sending that result to the subscribers
return publicacion.payload.doc.data();
consultaAleatorio(path: string, operador: any, idRandom: string): Observable<any> {
return this.db
.collection(path, ref => {
let query: firebase.firestore.CollectionReference | firebase.firestore.Query = ref;
query = query.where('random', operador, idRandom);
query = query.orderBy('random');
query = query.limit(1);
return query;
.pipe(map((arrayDatos: any) => {
if (arrayDatos && arrayDatos.length) {
return arrayDatos[0];
} else {
return null; // It indeed reaches this point if the query returns empty results
If any other service makes use of this code, it does it this way:
private firebaseSubscriptions: Subscription [] = [];
publicacionAleatoriaSubject = new Subject<IpublicacionMiniatura>();
private publicacionAleatoria: IpublicacionMiniatura;
private db: AngularFirestore,
private randomQueryService: RandomQueryService) {
fetchPublicacionAleatoria(): void {
.pipe(map((publicacion) => {
return {
//processes data
.subscribe((publicacionAleatoria: IpublicacionMiniatura) => {
this.publicacionAleatoria = publicacionAleatoria;
In sum:
operator triggers even if consultaAleatorio()
returns null
one single time, sending that result to the subscribersexpand
operator to achieve what I need. Thank you in advance for your time.
You can utilize retryWhen
like below :
.pipe(map((arrayDatos: any) => {
if (arrayDatos && arrayDatos.length) {
return arrayDatos[0];
} else {
throw new Error(); // this causes it to be catched by retryWhen
}), retryWhen(errors=>errors.pipe(delay(100))); // retry after 100ms
Edit: Corrected sample and added stackblitz.