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How to plot the graph using all the dates in x axis using R?

I am using the data

Date of acquisition Bperp(m)
29/01/2020  0.00 
10/02/2020  -23.22 
22/02/2020  15.03 
17/01/2020  8.85 
30/12/2019  -26.13 
06/12/2019  7.35 
18/12/2019  -31.04 
11/01/2020  19.40 
23/01/2020  12.44 
16/02/2020  -25.21 
04/02/2020  -6.45 
28/02/2020  70.35 

I need to plot the above data into

Target graph

Here is the code I used


data <- readxl::read_excel("Sentinel-1 Metadata info.xls")
centroid <- slice(data,1)

data %>% 
  ggplot(aes(`Date of acquisition`, `Bperp(m)`)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_segment(aes(x = centroid$`Date of acquisition`, y = centroid$`Bperp(m)`, 
                   xend = `Date of acquisition`, yend = `Bperp(m)`)) +

I got the graph like this

But I want to display all the dates in the format DDMMYYYY.

How to do it?

The discussion on Formatting dates on X axis in ggplot2 is not rectifying my issue.


  • You can format your axis as you like using scale_x_Date, and specifying the labeling format via label=format_date(format=...). In order to do that, you need to first convert your 'Date of acquisition' column to class Date, and not class POSIXct, POSIXt. Those are other date formats, but ggplot seems to not like it unless I forced it to be Date.

    Special Side Note: I also removed spaces in your original data titles and parentheses, because it's bad practice to do this since the syntax there interferes with syntax in your code. You can always change the naming in the plot afterward and makes calls to your data cleaner. Additionally, it's better practice to not use data.frame$variable calls in ggplot functions, where you should specify only the variable name (not in quotes) for aesthetics except in cases where you are plotting between data frames. You'll see how I did it below in your case, where you have data coming from both your dataframe and centroid.

    # your data frame here is called `df`.  Just my preference.
    # 'Date of acquisition` was changed to be `Date_of_acquisition`
    # 'Bperp(m)' was changed to 'Bperpm'
    df$Date_of_acquisition <- as.Date(df$Date_of_acquisition)  # change to Date
    centroid <- slice(df, 1)
    ggplot(df, aes(Date_of_acquisition, Bperpm)) + geom_point() +
            x = centroid$Date_of_acquisition, y = centroid$Bperpm,
            xend = Date_of_acquisition, yend = Bperpm)) +
        theme_minimal() + 
        scale_x_date(labels=date_format(format="%d-%m-%Y"))  # change format here

    And here's the plot:

    enter image description here