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Is returning out of a switch statement considered a better practice than using break?

Option 1 - switch using return:

function myFunction(opt) {
  switch (opt) {
    case 1: return "One";
    case 2: return "Two";
    case 3: return "Three";

    default: return "";

Option 2 - switch using break:

function myFunction(opt) {
  let retVal = "";

  switch (opt) {
    case 1: 
      retVal = "One";
    case 2: 
      retVal = "Two";
    case 3: 
      retVal = "Three";

  return retVal;

I know that both work, but is one more of a best practice? I tend to like Option 1 - switch using return best, as it's cleaner and simpler.

Here is a jsFiddle of my specific example using the technique mentioned in @ic3b3rg's comments:

let SFAIC = {};

SFAIC.common = {
  masterPages: {
    cs: "CS_",
    cp: "CP_"
  contentPages: {
    cs: "CSContent_",
    cp: "CPContent_"    

function getElementPrefix(page) {
  return (page in SFAIC.common.masterPages)
    ? SFAIC.common.masterPages[page]
    : (page in SFAIC.common.contentPages)
      ? SFAIC.common.contentPages[page]
      : undefined;

To call the function, I would do so in the following ways:


The problem here is that it always returns undefined. I'm guessing that it's because it's passing in the actual value of the object literal and not the property. What would I do to fix this using the technique described in @ic3b3rg's comments?


  • A break will allow you continue processing in the function. Just returning out of the switch is fine if that's all you want to do in the function.