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box without space in multhist

Suppose data

a <- rnorm(100)
b <- rnorm(100)+1

which I would like to plot side-by-side using multhist().

multhist(list(a,b), yaxs="i")

Now I would like to draw a box around them

box(which = "plot", lty = "solid")

which gives me

using multhist

with some space between the bottom line of the box and the bars.

Had I used hist() to plot only one graph, the ouput would have been without gap between box and bars:

using hist

Is there a different trick to get such an output in multhist()?


  • I think setting ylim mentioned by @KamranEsmaeili is a standard solution. Here I provided a tricky way that doesn't require manually setting the upper limit 40.

    multhist() is based on the built-in barplot() and it always sets the lower limit of y-coordinate of the plotting region less than 0. You can use par("usr")[3] to check this fact. I just came up with a tricky method that adjusts the box type to "7" to suppress the bottom line and add a new bottom line at 0 by abline(h = 0).

    a <- rnorm(100)
    b <- rnorm(100) + 1
    box(bty = "7") # bty is one of "o"(default), "l", "7", "c", "u", and "]".
    abline(h = 0)


    If you don't like the right line extending beyond the x axis, then you can replace box() with rect() so that you can specify positions of four sides by yourself. Remember to add xpd = TRUE, or the line width will look thinner than y-axis.

    x <- par("usr")
    rect(x[1], 0, x[2], x[4], xpd = TRUE)