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How to import identifier from startup.s (to main.c)

I would like to locate a table of constant values with application data (equipment information), preferably at the end of the vector table.

In startup.s I do the following:

    MODULE  ?cstartup

    ;; Forward declaration of sections.

    SECTION .intvec:CODE:NOROOT(2)

    EXTERN  __iar_program_start
    EXTERN  SystemInit        
    PUBLIC  __vector_table

    PUBLIC  _InfoEqData


    DCD     sfe(CSTACK)
    DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler

    /* ............... */

    DCD     LCD_IRQHandler                 ; LCD
    DCD     USB_IRQHandler                 ; USB

    _InfoEqData     EQU     __vector_table_end

In main.c I do the following:

#pragma location = _InfoEqData
const EqIdentify_t  eqIdentify = { ... }

When I compile the code shows the following (expected) error

Error[Pe020]: identifier "_InfoEqData" is undefined ... \tst_vBus_main.cpp 25

How do I tell the compiler to find that identifier from startup.s?

Thanks in advance


  • The IAR toolchain supports #pragma location1 only to fix data at absolute addresses given by literal numbers2 or segment names3.

    From my point of view, you should define an own segment in the linker command file3 and locate it according to your requirements.

    1 IAR C/C++ Compiler User Guide for the 8051Microcontroller Architecture (C8051-7), Seventh edition: March 2017, page 372.

    2 ibid., Seventh edition: March 2017, page 260.

    3 ibid., Seventh edition: March 2017, page 262.

    4 IAR Linker and Library Tools Reference Guide (XLINK-5001), April 2010, page 21.