I am working with a feature test and it's returning data correctly; all things are coming back correctly; and I'm at the final portion of my test.
I am struggling to assert that I'm getting back a ResourceCollection:
$this->assertInstanceOf(ResourceCollection::class, $response);
Here is the portion of my test:
'data' => [
'*' => [
'type', 'id', 'attributes' => [
'foo', 'bar', 'baz',
'links' => [
'first', 'last', 'prev', 'next',
'meta' => [
'current_page', 'from', 'last_page', 'path', 'per_page', 'to', 'total',
// Everything is great up to this point...
$this->assertInstanceOf(ResourceCollection::class, $response);
The error I get back is:
Failed asserting that stdClass Object (...) is an instance of class "Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection".
I'm not sure what I should be asserting in this case. I am getting back a resource collection, what should I be using instead? Thank you for any suggestions!
Thank you @mare96! Your suggestion lead me to another approach that seemed to work. Which is great but I'm not too sure I really understand why...
Here's my full test (including my final assertion):
public function mytest() {
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
$foo = factory(Foo::class)->create();
$http = $this->actingAs($user, 'api')
->postJson('api/v1/foo', $foo);
'data' => [
'*' => [
'type', 'id', 'attributes' => [
'foo', 'bar', 'baz'
'links' => [
'first', 'last', 'prev', 'next',
'meta' => [
'current_page', 'from', 'last_page', 'path', 'per_page', 'to', 'total',
$this->assertInstanceOf(Collection::class, $http->getOriginalContent());
As I said in the comment above, your content will be the instance of Collection.
You can do it like that:
$this->assertInstanceOf(Collection::class, $http->getOriginalContent());
So, you can try to debug, to make it clearer, like this: Do dd($http);
you should get an instance of Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestResponse
not the same when you do $http->dump();
So you need to assert an instance of just content, not the whole response.
I hope at least I helped a little.