I'm running a racadm command to find the number of Core count on the Posh-Ssh module, would anyone know how to count the total amount?
$get_CoreInfo = Invoke-SSHCommand -Index 0 -command "racadm get BIOS.ProcSettings"
Core_Number = ($get_CoreInfo.Output -match '(.*)NumCores=' -replace '(.*)NumCores=' )
gives you this output: 8 8
but I would like the complete amount.
Also any idea how to get the CPU Count? Can't seem to see anything in the documentation.
If the numbers in your final output are split by a white space, then try this:
$get_CoreInfo = Invoke-SSHCommand -Index 0 -command "racadm get BIOS.ProcSettings"
$core_number_string = ($get_CoreInfo.Output -match '(.*)NumCores=' -replace '(.*)NumCores=')
$core_number = 0
foreach($cpu in ($core_number_string -split " ")){[int]$core_number += [int]$cpu}