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Simple program in C++ with Clion "expected `,' or `...' before '&&' token"

Hi guys I can not solve in the following error that I find in my code: The error indicated by the IDE refers to the move constructor. The IDE does not report me errors are when I compile it gives me error.

Scanning dependencies of target Lab_01

[ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/Lab_01.dir/main.cpp.obj

In file included from C:\Users\alex\CLionProjects\LabPDS\Lab_01\main.cpp:2:

C:\Users\alex\CLionProjects\LabPDS\Lab_01\Message.h:21: error: expected `,' or `...' before '&&' token

C:\Users\alex\CLionProjects\LabPDS\Lab_01\Message.h:21: error: invalid constructor; you probably meant `Message (const Message&)'

C:\Users\alex\CLionProjects\LabPDS\Lab_01\Message.h:23: error: **expected `,' or `...' before '&&' token**

mingw32-make.exe[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/Lab_01.dir/main.cpp.obj] Error 1
mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/Lab_01.dir/all] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Lab_01.dir/rule] Error 2
mingw32-make.exe: *** [Lab_01] Error 2

Can someone help me?

my class main.cpp in line:2 find it the error, in the class Message.h

#include <iostream>
#include "Message.h"

int main() {
    Message m1(10);
    std::cout << m1 << std::endl;
    return 0;

File: Message.h

// Created by Alexandro Vassallo on 10/04/2020.

#ifndef LAB_01_MESSAGE_H
#define LAB_01_MESSAGE_H

class Message {

    long id;
    char* data;
    int size;
    static long sId;

    char* mkMessage(int n);

    Message();                                      //Costruttore di Default
    Message(int n);                                 //Costruttore con un solo parametro
    ~Message();                                     //Distruttore
    Message(const Message& source);                 //Costruttore di copia
    Message(Message&& source);                      //Costruttore di movimento
    Message& operator=(const Message& source);      //Operatore di assegnazione
    Message& operator=(Message&& source);           //Operatore di assegnazione di movimento

    long getId() const;

    void setId(long id);

    char *getData() const;

    void setData(char *data);

    int getSize() const;

    void setSize(int size);

    static long getSId();

    static void setSId(long sId);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Message& m);

#endif //LAB_01_MESSAGE_H

In line 21 and line 23 above there is the move constructor and the move assigment operator.

File: Message.cpp

// Created by Alexandro Vassallo on 10/04/2020.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "Message.h"
long Message::sId = 0;

Message::Message(): id(-1), size(0){
    this->data = mkMessage(0);

Message::Message(int n): size(n) {
    this->id= sId++;
    this->data = mkMessage(n);

Message::~Message() {
    delete[] data;

Message::Message(const Message &source):id(, size(source.size) {
    this->data = new char[size];

Message::Message(Message &&source) {
    this->id =;
    this->size = source.size;
    this->data =; = -1;
    source.size = 0; = nullptr;

Message &Message::operator=(const Message &source) {

    if(this != &source){
        delete[] this->data;
        this->data = nullptr;
        this->size = source.size;
        this->data = new char[size];

    return *this;

Message &Message::operator=(Message &&source) {

    if(this != &source){
        delete[] this->data;
        this->size = source.size;
        this->data =; = nullptr;

    return *this;

long Message::getId() const {
    return id;

void Message::setId(long id) {
    Message::id = id;

char *Message::getData() const {
    return data;

void Message::setData(char *data) {
    Message::data = data;

int Message::getSize() const {
    return size;

void Message::setSize(int size) {
    Message::size = size;

long Message::getSId() {
    return sId;

void Message::setSId(long sId) {
    Message::sId = sId;

char* Message::mkMessage(int n) {
    std::string vowels ="aeiou";
    std::string consolants = "bcdfghlmnqrstvz";

    char* m = new char[n+1];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
        m[i] = i%2 ? vowels[rand()%vowels.size()]:consolants[rand()%consolants.size()];
    m[n] = 0;
    return m;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Message& m){
    out << m.getId() << m.getSize() << m.getData();
    return out;


  • Make sure you are using C++11 or later. Move semantics are not supported by older versions.