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R blogdown::serve_site() doesn't generate "public" folder when using Hugo "gesquive/slate" theme

I am trying to create a new blogdown project, and I've been using Yihui Xie's wonderful documentation to get started.

This works as expected:
Wen I run the below code, I see a live representation of the demo page, and the public folder is generated in my local directory.

blogdown::new_site(theme = "gcushen/hugo-academic")

enter image description here

This does not work as expected:
But when I re-run using the "gesquive/slate" theme, I see a live representation of the demo page as expected, but no public folder is generated in my local directory. Without a public folder, I have nothing to send to Netlify.

blogdown::new_site(theme = "gesquive/slate")

enter image description here

Why is a public folder generated when I use any Hugo theme other than "gesquive/slate"?

I expect that I'm misunderstanding something about how the package works with Hugo.


  • Look at the theme config.toml, the published folder (publishDir) is "docs", you can rename it to "public" if you wish.