So I have this:
v, ok := muxctx.Get(req, "req-body-map").(map[string]interface{})
the problem is that:
muxctx.Get(req, "req-body-map")
returns a pointer. I tried dereferencing the pointer like so:
(*(muxctx.Get(req, "req-body-map"))
but I get this:
Invalid indirect of '(muxctx.Get(req, "req-body-map"))' (type 'interface{}')
so I suppose since the Get method doesn't return a pointer, then I can't dereference it.
Pretty sure you want something like:
// You really want this to be two variables, lest you go mad.
// OK here is mostly to see whether the value exists or not, which is what
// presumably you're testing for. Get that out of the way before trying to
// get fancy with type coercion.
ptr, ok := muxctx.Get(req, "req-body-map")
... // Do other stuff (like your if test maybe)...
// Now coerce and deref. We coerce the type inside parens THEN we try to
// dereference afterwards.
v := *(ptr.(*map[string]interface{}))
A brief example of this general technique:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
foo := 10
var bar interface{}
bar = &foo
foobar := *(bar.(*int))
$ ./spike
Finally, be really sure you have the type you want (using reflection if needbe) or risk the program panic'ing on a bad type coercion.