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How to get swagger.json using Dropwizard in Java

I am using Dropwizard to create my service and REST API, and I added dropwizard-swagger to my project so I can easily access this API on my UI. I am creating a CLI tool that will generate Typescript models of my API on the UI side using openapi-generator:

openapi-generator generate -g typescript-fetch -i http://localhost:8080/swagger.json -o ~/Desktop/test

However, I need the swagger.json definitions, and I am currently getting these from a GET request of the path http://localhost:8080/swagger.json. I want to programatically get the swagger.json (how to get the swagger spec without starting a server) through my CLI Java project. I was looking at ways to programmatically generate the swagger.json and I tried using the swagger-maven-plugin:

                            <title>My project</title>
                            <description>Do this late</description>
                                <email>[email protected]</email>
                                <name>Kong Chen</name>
                                <name>Apache 2.0</name>

And the class of the Rest methods

package me.pabloestrada.api;

import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;


@Api(value = "/laura")
public class LauraPortraitsRestMethods
    private LauraPortraitsService delegate;
public LauraPortraitsRestMethods(final LauraPortraitsService delegate) {
    this.delegate = delegate;

@ApiOperation(value = "Getting developer name")
public String getDeveloperName() {
    return delegate.getDeveloperName();

When I run mvn clean compile, I don't see anything being generated. I don't see any output from the swagger-maven-plugin. Does anyone have any suggestions to make this work or a different approach to programmatically get the swagger.json?


  • In case someone is still looking add this to your maven build plugins:

                                        <email>[email protected]</email>
                                        <name>Apache 2.0</name>

    It'll create a swagger directory and a json file called swaggerspec.json in that directory containing your swagger spec.