I have been trying for two and a half weeks so far to get a local copy of OpenStreetMap running on a server. I have downloaded the planet file and imported it into a PostGIS database called 'osm'. I have used OSM Mapnik tools to generate an XML stylesheet for Mapnik to use. I have used TileLite to prove that Mapnik can render OSM tiles from the database. The tiles even look the way that I want them to look.
My problem now is that I cannot get TileCache to work with Mapnik. I have a MapServer instance installed that I am using to serve Shapefiles. This works with TileCache. The default 'basic' layer in the TileCache configuration file works as well. Please help with my OSM layer:
I have read every last blog post, forum post, and tutorial I can find. Any help would be appreciated. I suspect I have either missed something or I am doing something stupid.
I can understand the potential difficulties here and that you've tried a number of things. You did not say what exact problems you ran into however, so I'll guess that this is your problem:
That it? If not, please provide a bit more detail.
If that is the problem then likely what you need to do is to make sure to use a "TMS" layer type in OpenLayers and to match that with your TileCache.cfg layer params. "TMS" is very similar to the OSM tile scheme except that the y value is flipped.
Anyway, something like this should work:
[osm] type=Mapnik mapfile=/full/path/to/osm.xml spherical_mercator=true
OpenLayers Layer
var tms = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("TileCache TMS Layer","http://localhost:8000/", { serviceVersion: "1.0.0", layername: "osm", type: "png" }); map.addLayers([tms]);
I pulled this from an old example of mine from the first time I got this working: http://mapnik-utils.googlecode.com/svn/example_code/tilecache/openlayers_osm.html