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How to use Arel to query across a polymorphic has_one relationship

I am currently working on a project that has a jquery datatables frontend and am using the ajax-datatables-rails gem to handle the backend. After reviewing the examples they link to and am having a challenge.

I have a datatable and it displays data from a table, lets call it Foo, that has a has_one polymorphic relationship with 3 different tables. My search needs to search on a column in that polymorphic relationship.

def my_filter
    ->(column,value) { Arel.sql("").matches("%#{value}%")}

One thing I tried was to convert the Arel::Table (a is the arel table)

     :joins => "bar",
     :conditions => ["bar.description LIKE %asd%", true]

However in this case I get a message stating it can't find the id on Foo.


  • There's two approaches I can think of (and depending on your DBMS, the thing that happens under the covers could be almost the same):

    • create a view for all relevant fields of all the different polymorphic bar types
    • join a dynamic table that gets created on the fly

    In both cases, the underlying logic is a UNION command that will look somewhat like the following:

    SELECT foo_id, description FROM bars1
    SELECT foo_id, description FROM bars2
    SELECT foo_id, description FROM bars3

    In the case of the view, this UNION will make up the content of the view itself.

    In the case of a dynamic table, it will look something like this:

    SELECT foos.*, bars.*
    FROM foos
      SELECT foo_id, description FROM bars1
      SELECT foo_id, description FROM bars2
      SELECT foo_id, description FROM bars3
    ) AS bars ON bars.foo_id =
    WHERE bars.description LIKE 'whatever%'

    With a view, the use of Arel is basically the same as usual, only you have to make the JOIN explicit:

    Foo.joins("LEFT JOIN bars ON bars.foo_id =").where("bars.description LIKE ?", description)

    With a dynamic table, I'm sure there's way to express it in pure Arel, but personally I'd simply go with SQL instead:

    joins_sql = <~SQL.strip_heredoc
      LEFT JOIN (
        SELECT foo_id, description FROM bars1
        SELECT foo_id, description FROM bars2
        SELECT foo_id, description FROM bars3
      ) AS bars ON bars.foo_id =
    SQL"foos.*, bars.*").joins(joins_sql).where("bars.description LIKE ?", description)

    Hope that helps.