I am using Spring neo4j ogm and I have Entities already saved in database. Now I want to create new relationship between them with spring ogm. Problem is that i have only entities uuid in this moment, and I want to escape getEntityByUuid() which could get me entity object and then repo.save() would do the trick.
If i need to create custom query, can it be in repository in this format:
public interface EntityRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Entity, Long> {
@Query("MATCH (e:Entity {uuid:$0}), (e2:Entity{uuid:$1}) CREATE (e)-[:MENTION{relationshipProperties...}]->(e2)")
boolean createRelationshipBetweenExistingEntities(String entity1uuid, String entity2uuid, RelationshipNeo4j rel);
These are my classes:
public abstract class AbstractEntity {
private Long id;
@RelationshipEntity(type = "MENTION")
public class RelationshipNeo4j extends AbstractEntity {
protected String type;
protected LocalDate date;
protected Entity start;
protected Entity end;
public class Entity extends AbstractEntity {
protected String name;
@Index(unique = true)
protected String uuid;
protected String wikiURL;
protected String description;
protected List<RelationshipNeo4j> relationships;
This is the closest I came:
@Query("MATCH (e:Entity {uuid:{entity1uuid}}), (e2:Entity{uuid:{entity2uuid}}) CREATE (e)-[r:MENTION{uuid:{relationshipUuid},type:{type},date:{date}}]->(e2) RETURN e,e2,r")
RelationshipNeo4j createRelationshipBetweenExistingEntities(String entity1uuid, String entity2uuid, String relationshipUuid, String type, String date);
We can't inset into query non primitive types: https://markhneedham.com/blog/2017/12/01/neo4j-cypher-property-values-can-primitive-types-arrays-thereof/