I want to define some module-rules to assert module-facts, and then batch get a group of facts list by get-fact-list
, but an error occurred!
CLIPS (6.31 6/12/19)
CLIPS> (defmodule M)
CLIPS> (deftemplate M::T (slot k1))
CLIPS> (defrule M::T (testvalue 1) => (assert (M::T (k1 "v1"))))
[MODULDEF1] Illegal use of the module specifier.
(defrule M::T
(testvalue 1)
(assert (M::T
CLIPS> (defmodule M)
CLIPS> (deftemplate M::T (slot k1))
CLIPS> (defrule M::T (testvalue 1) => (assert (M::T (k1 "v1"))))
CLIPS> (assert (testvalue 1))
CLIPS> (get-fact-list M)
;; return the facts that M::rulexx assert
Why is the sytax error? How can I do it for the defrule
of module
Don't use M::T in your assert command. Since the defrule is contained in module M, all deftemplates visible to M can be referenced without using a module specifier.
CLIPS (6.31 6/12/19)
CLIPS> (defmodule M)
CLIPS> (deftemplate M::T (slot k1))
CLIPS> (defrule M::T (testvalue 1) => (assert (T (k1 "v1"))))
CLIPS> (assert (testvalue 1))
CLIPS> (get-fact-list M)