I have a test case where in the app "Set as default" prompt is opened. I want to test that with UI automator, and I had success with testing that case, but not 100% reliable. Unfortunately, some devices have "Set as default" prompt button written in caps, and some of those don't, so I'm not able to create 100% reliable tests for this test case. I have written this code below, but when fetching "Set as default" button by text, case of the letters don't play a role, but when I want to interact with that button, text case is important. Switching the IF-ELSE cases doesn't fix the problem in this case. And somehow, none of the dialog buttons ids work (button1, button2..) when I want to press those.
if (roleManager.isRoleAvailable(android.app.role.ASSISTANT)) {
if (!roleManager.isRoleHeld(android.app.role.ASSISTANT)) {
val myApp = device.findObject(UiSelector().textMatches(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext.getString(R.string.app_name)))
var setAsDefaultButton: UiObject? = null
if (device.findObject(UiSelector().text("Set as default")) != null) {
setAsDefaultButton = device.findObject(UiSelector().text("Set as default"))
} else if (device.findObject(UiSelector().text("SET AS DEFAULT")) != null) {
setAsDefaultButton = device.findObject(UiSelector().text("SET AS DEFAULT"))
} else {
Based on the Jordan's example and hint, solution to this is to find an object with the Pattern. With pattern, you can search for UIObject with By.text(pattern)
. Take a note that the object found with the pattern needs to be UIObject2
instead of the UIObject
val pattern = Pattern.compile("Set as the default", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
if(device.findObject(UiSelector().text(pattern.toString())) != null) {