I'm making a function to convert a infix math-string to postfix. This is what I have:
std::string toPostfix(std::string& infixStr, std::string& postfixStr, std::string& first_nr, std::string& second_nr, char oper, char prev_oper) {
//std::cout << "[" << infixStr << "]" << std::endl;
if (infixStr == "") {
if (second_nr == "") {
second_nr = "0";
if (oper == '\0') {
oper = prev_oper;
if (prev_oper == '-') {
second_nr = first_nr;
first_nr = "0";
postfixStr += first_nr + " " + second_nr + " " + oper;
std::cout << " end: " << postfixStr << std::endl ;
return postfixStr;
char c = infixStr[0];
if (isOperator(c)) {
if (postfixStr == "") {
if (c == '-') {
if (oper != '\0') {
if (first_nr == "") {
if (oper == '-') {
postfixStr += first_nr + " " + second_nr + " " + oper + " ";
first_nr = "";
second_nr = "";
oper = '\0';
prev_oper = c;
} else {
oper = c;
} else {
if (oper == '\0') {
first_nr += c;
} else {
second_nr += c;
infixStr = infixStr.erase(0, 1);
return toPostfix(infixStr, postfixStr, first_nr, second_nr, oper, prev_oper);
This works in some cases, however for example this input string 0+1-5+2
the output is 0 1 + 5 2 +
. The -
gets ignored. The correct output should be 0 1 + -5 2 +
What am I doing wrong? I think I need to differentiate a minus as in operator, and minus as in making a value negative.
* Function to convert an infix string to postfix notation
* :param infix: Infix string
* :return string: returns postfix string
* Example:
* std::string s = "5+5";
* toPostfix(s) == "5 5 +"
std::string toPostfix(std::string& infix) {
std::string postfix = "";
//Stack to hold operators and nr is a helper string to
//group digits in numbers
std::stack<char> stack;
std::string nr = "";
//If first character is a minus-operator (AKA a negative number)
//add "0"
if (infix[0] == '-') {
infix = "0" + infix;
//Looping over infix string
for (int i = 0; i < infix.size(); i++) {
//If current evaluated character ain't an operator, it's a digit
if (!isOperator(infix[i])) {
//If digit is in a group of digits (AKA a number) put the whole number in nr
while (!isOperator(infix[i]) && i < infix.size()) {
nr += infix[i];
//Append the number to the postfix string
postfix += nr + " ";
nr = "";
} else {
//This block is executed when evaluated character is an operator
//If stack is empty, or the evaluated operator is higher than the one in the stack
//push it to the stack (Needs to be appended to the postfix string later)
if (stack.size() == 0 || precedence(infix[i]) > precedence(stack.top())) {
} else {
//While the stack contacts a higher or equally high precedence as currently
//evaluated operator
while (precedence(stack.top()) >= precedence(infix[i])) {
//We append the top of the stack to the postfix string
postfix += stack.top();
postfix += ' ';
if (stack.size() == 0) {
//Push evaluated operator to stack
//Append all remaining operators to the postfix string
while (stack.size() != 0) {
postfix += stack.top();
return postfix;