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AsyncTask check MainActivity for variable set before ending doInBackground

I would like to check for a variable in MainActivity while an AsyncTask created from it is running in the background, then end the AsyncTask when this variable is set to a certain value let's say to true;


    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        new MyTask(this).execute();


public class MyTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>
    protected Void doInBackground(Void... ignore)
      //check for MainActivity variable then exit or PostExecute when this variable is set to true?



  • Assuming Android is similar to normal Java threads and runnables in this regard, I would assume that you could just create an atomic variable in your main thread ( and then check it in your AsyncTask.


    private final AtomicInteger myInt = new AtomicInteger(whatever value you need);
    public int getMyInt() {
         return myInt.get();

    Then just get the value and do what you want with it. You can also write methods to modify it or whatever else you want to do.

    Otherwise if you need to pass objects, you'll have to look into synchronization, which you can find some good articles on by Googling.

    edit: To implement you could make the AtomicInteger static and the method as well, then just call the method to get the value of the integer.


    private final static AtomicInteger myInt = new AtomicInteger(whatever value you need);
    public static int getMyInt() {
         return myInt.get();

    then in your AsyncTask:

    public void doInBackground() {
         if(MainActivity.getMyInt() == some value) {
              //do something with it