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Reuse code that should be run on base object type with templates in overloaded virtual function for derived object types


I got the next hierarchy of structers:

Event -> MouseEvent    -> MouseButtonEvent
                       -> MouseWheelEvent
                       -> ...

      -> KeyboardEvent -> KeyEvent
                       -> InputEvent
                       -> ...
      -> ...

Potentially there could be a lot of different event types. There is also a components heirarchy. The base class is Component:

Component.h: how i want it to be

class Component
    /* These could be overriden in derived to handle this events. */
    virtual void handleEvent(const MouseButtonEvent&);
    virtual void handleEvent(const MouseWheelEvent&);
    virtual void handleEvent(const KeyEvent&);
    virtual void handleEvent(const InputEvent&);

    template<typename GMouseEvent>
    void handleMouseEvent(const GMouseEvent& e)
        if (!children.empty())
            // Pay attention: I need to cast to real Event type to be able to use event properties here.
            const auto& eMouse = static_cast<const MouseEvent&>(e);

            auto eCopy = eMouse;

            for (auto child : children)
                 // point is a property of MouseEvent
                 eCopy.point = child->transformPointToLocal(eMouse.point);
                 if (child->predicateOnMouseEventPropery(eMouse.point))
                      return child->handleEvent(static_cast<GMouseEvent&>(eCopy)); // Need to save GMouseEvent type to call proper virtual handler

    template<typename GNonMouseEvent>
    void handleNonMouseEvent(const GNonMouseEvent& e)
        for (auto child : children)
            child->handleEvent(e);   // Also need to preserve original call type to call virtual method


    std::vector<Component*> children;


void Component::handleEvent(const MouseButtonEvent& e)

void Component::handleEvent(const MouseWheelEvent& e)

void Component::handleEvent(const KeyEvent& e)

void Component::handleEvent(const InputEvent& e)

Component.h: how it is actually

class Component
    /* These could be overriden in derived to handle this events. */
    virtual void handleEvent(const MouseButtonEvent&);
    virtual void handleEvent(const MouseWheelEvent&);
    virtual void handleEvent(const KeyEvent&);
    virtual void handleEvent(const InputEvent&);

    std::vector<Component*> children;


void Component::handleEvent(const MouseButtonEvent& e)
    if (!children.empty())
         auto eCopy = e;

         for (auto child : children)
             // point is a property of MouseEvent that is the base of MouseButtonEvent
             eCopy.point = child->transformPointToLocal(e.point);
             if (child->predicateOnMouseEventPropery(e.point))
                 return child->handleEvent(eCopy);

void Component::handleEvent(const MouseWheelEvent& e)
    if (!children.empty())
         auto eCopy = e;

         for (auto child : children)
             // point is a property of MouseEvent that is the base of MouseWheelEvent
             eCopy.point = child->transformPointToLocal(e.point);
             if (child->predicateOnMouseEventPropery(e.point))
                 return child->handleEvent(eCopy);

void Component::handleEvent(const KeyEvent& e)
    for (auto child : children)

void Component::handleEvent(const InputEvent& e)
    for (auto child : children)


class MyComponent : public Component
    virtual void handleEvent(const MouseButtonEvent& e);
    virtual void handleEvent(const KeyEvent& e);

void MyComponent::handleEvent(const MouseButtonEvent& e)
    // Calling for virtual void Component::handleEvent(const MouseButtonEvent&)

    ... // doing other stuff

void MyComponent::handleEvent(const KeyEvent& e)
     // Calling for virtual void Component::handleEvent(const KeyEvent&)

     ... // doing stuff

Somewhere else:


Component* c = myComponentPointer;

MouseButtonEvent e = {};
e.point = {10, 20}; = "bar";

// Just call virtual overloaded function here to be as simple from the side as possible
// Calling here virtual void MyComponent::handleEvent(const MouseButtonEvent&);



I want to save this calling pattern when I nicely just call virtual functions that are implemented for end nodes of event heirarchy. But I want to put some code inside Component::handleEvent for each of this virtual functions that just needs neither end nodes nor root node event. How can I rewrite template<typename GMouseEvent> void handleMouseEvent(const GMouseEvent& e) and template<typename GNonMouseEvent> void handleNonMouseEvent(const GMouseNonEvent& e)?


  • I found a way to do what I want.


    class Component
        template<typename GMouseEvent>
        ShouldParentHandleEvent handleMouseEvent(const GMouseEvent& e)
            if (!children.empty())
                   There is a trick: I cast unknown const reference to const MouseEvent&
                   to be able then read it as MouseEvent. I also need a copy of the original
                   event. So I copy it and cast it to a reference of MouseEvent&.
                const auto& eMouseEvent = static_cast<const MouseEvent&>(e);
                auto eCopy = e;
                auto& eMouse = static_cast<MouseEvent&>(eCopy);
                for (const auto& child : children)
                        There magic happens: eMouse is a reference to eCopy (original event).
                        We need it just only to write. Then we need to preserve event type
                        when we will call child->handleEvent(eCopy) with modified event of the
                        original type. So the right overloaded virtual function is called.
                    eMouse.point = child->transformToLocalPoint(eMouseEvent.point);
                    if (child->predicateOnMouseEventProperty(eMouseEvent.point))
                        return child->handleEvent(eCopy);
            return true;
        template<typename GNonMouseEvent>
        ShouldParentHandleEvent handleNonMouseEvent(const GNonMouseEvent& e)
            bool shouldComponentHandleEvent = true;
            for (const auto& child : children)
                shouldComponentHandleEvent = child->handleEvent(e) && shouldComponentHandleEvent;
            return shouldComponentHandleEvent;