Search code examples

Can a type chain be followed to test where it ends?

Let's say I have the following:

@prefix hr: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

hr:Employee a rdfs:Class .
hr:BadThree rdfs:comment "some comment about missing" .
hr:BadTwo a hr:BadOne .
hr:YetAnother a hr:Another .
hr:YetAnotherName a hr:AnotherName .
hr:Another a hr:Employee .
hr:AnotherName a hr:name .
hr:BadOne a hr:Dangling .
hr:name a rdf:Property .

and I run the following SPARQL query:

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf:  <>
PREFIX sch:  <>

        ?s ?p ?o .
            ?s a ?c .
            FILTER(?c IN (rdfs:Class, rdf:Property))

The results returned will be:

| s                                                            |
| <>        |
| <>         |
| <>         |
| <>     |
| <>       |
| <>    |
| <> |

The only two results I want returned are:

| s                                                            |
| <>         |
| <>         |
| <>       | 

What makes them bad? If I look at the rdf:type information, the type chain does not terminate in a type that is a rdfs:Class or rdf:Property.

If I look at hr:YetAnother, it has a rdf:type of hr:Another. hr:Another has a rdf:type of hr:Employee. So, the chain of types from hr:YetAnother and hr:Another terminates in a rdfs:Class and they should not be returned by a query.

In my example the type chain's are small, but there could be more links in the chain making them longer.

Is it possible to write such a query with SPARQL? If so, what would that query be?


  • The SPARQL feature required to solve this problem is called Property Paths.

    The following query:

    WHERE {
            ?s ?p ?o .    
            FILTER NOT EXISTS {
                ?s rdf:type* ?c .
                 FILTER(?c IN (rdfs:Class, rdf:Property) && ?s NOT IN (rdfs:Class, rdf:Property) )

    will return the expected results:

    | s                                                      |
    | <>   |
    | <>   |
    | <> |

    Breaking the query does to better understand what is going on, consider,


    WHERE {
            ?s ?p ?o .       

    which will return the following results:

    | s                                                            | p            | o                                                         |
    | <>        | rdf:type     | <>    |
    | <>         | rdf:type     | <>    |
    | <>         | rdf:type     | <>      |
    | <>       | rdf:type     | rdfs:Class                                                |
    | <>     | rdf:type     | <>     |
    | <>       | rdfs:comment | "some comment about missing"                              |
    | <>    | rdf:type     | <>        |
    | <>           | rdf:type     | rdf:Property                                              |
    | <> | rdf:type     | <> |

    then, consider the following query:


    WHERE {
            ?s rdf:type* ?c .
            FILTER(?c IN (rdfs:Class, rdf:Property) && ?s NOT IN (rdfs:Class, rdf:Property) )

    which returns the results:

    | s                                                            |
    | <>       |
    | <>        |
    | <>     |
    | <>           |
    | <>    |
    | <> |

    By placing (B) in FILTER NOT EXISTS, the subjects found in (A) are removed, leaving only the desired results.