Dropbox linked files I am trying to simulate sea level change using R but have no idea how to do that. Similar desired result. Similar desired result I have seen an article which says the person used contour() but dont know how to use this function. I have also seen a lot of people using ggplot2 but am not sure how to implement a dataframe using my data set for that to work.
I have a dtm which is a combined version of 5 asc tiles. using the code below.
f <-list.files(pattern = ".asc")
r <- lapply(f, raster)
x <- do.call("merge",r)
writeRaster(x,"DTM_combine.asc", overwrite=TRUE)
r = raster("DTM_combine.asc")
I then reclassified the raster using this.
image(r,zlim=c(0,70), main="DEM Findhornbay", col=col) m=c(0,5,1,5,10,2,10,15,3,15,20,4,20,25,5,25,30,6,30,35,7,35,40,8,40,45,9,45,50,10,50,55,11,55,60,12,60,65,13,65,70,14)
col <-terrain.colors(14)
brk <-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)
plot(rcat, col=col, breaks=brk, main="Recalssed DEM Findhorn Bay")
plot(r, col=col, breaks=brk, main="Recalssed DEM Findhorn Bay")
which produced this. I am not sure if this is the correct way for this to work, but the next objective is to simulate sea level change.
Raster package and base plot
To draw contours using rasters and the capabilities provided by the raster package you proceed as follows:
First load packages, declare your crs, load your raster and assign your crs:
#We define the crs of the project
crs <- "+proj=utm +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
#read your raster DTM_combine.asc and assign it the projection
r <- raster::raster("PathToFolder/DTM_combine.asc")
raster::projection(r) <- crs
Insofar as we are working with a digital elevation model, I'm assuming that elevation units are in meters. We can define a vector of elevations niveaux
as a sequence between 0 and max elevation value every 5 meters:
niveaux <- (raster::extract(r, raster::extent(r)) %>%
range(finite = TRUE))[2] %>%
Then you can plot the raster:
Then add your contours. Here I'm adding the coastal line (elevation =0) in blue and a retreat of such coastal line (in red) in the assumption that the sea level rises 5 meters.
raster::contour(r, add=TRUE, col="blue", lwd=0.2, levels=niveaux[1], drawlabels=FALSE)
raster::contour(r, add=TRUE, col="red", lwd=0.2, levels=niveaux[2], drawlabels=FALSE)
Alternatively, you could work only with the contours if you plot them as follows:
raster::contour(r, col="blue", lwd=0.2, levels=niveaux[1], drawlabels=FALSE)
raster::contour(r, add=TRUE, col="red", lwd=0.2, levels=niveaux[2], drawlabels=FALSE)
The ggplot2 way
First, convert your raster in a dataframe:
r.df <- raster::as.data.frame(r, xy = TRUE)
Then plot the raster with geom_raster
and make the contours with geom_contour
in the same way we did before:
ggplot(data = r.df, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_raster(aes(fill=DTM_combine)) +
geom_contour(aes(z=DTM_combine, color = "Current"), breaks = niveaux[1], size=0.5) +
geom_contour(aes(z=DTM_combine, color = "New"), breaks = niveaux[2], size=0.5) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = terrain.colors(10, rev=TRUE), na.value = "transparent") +
theme_void() +
labs(fill="Elevation", color="Coastal lines")
The resulting map:
If you want to avoid the white square in the upper left corner you can fix your na.value
in scale_fill_gradientn()
to #f2f2f2
for example.
*Bonus: If you want to fill the space between coastal lines you can have a look at the function geom_contour_fill()
in the metR package.
Hope it helps