OK so my mission is, 1. download a Record from Firestore, 2. process this into state variables 3. inject data into widgets.
I've tried doing this by downloading stuff in initState, I made it Async, however the build method was then called before Firestore download completed, I didn't have the information ready for the widgets and it crashed.
I read that when a Widget is expected to change after being laid out, that I should use a Builder wrapper for the widgets. Which brought me to this:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(
"Job details")), // TODO might have to modify to accomodate edits
body: _buildBody(context, widget.job.country, widget.job.area, widget.job.jobDetailedId, widget.job),
So I'm calling buildBody with context for a Builder, seemingly I lose access to my this.job class object (why?!) so I pass some crucial parameters in for getting the Firestore record.
The aim of _buildBody is to download the firestore record, without using ASYNC await. But it never executes any of the code beyond
.then((jobrecord {
Widget _buildBody(BuildContext context, String countryCode, String area, String jobDetailedId) {
Job detailedJob;
Firestore.instance.collection("$countryCode/$area/JobsDetailed").document(jobDetailedId).get().then((jobRecord) {
return Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {
if(jobRecord == null) {
return Text("Document doesn't exist");
else {
detailedJob = Job.fromSnapshot(jobRecord);
detailedJob.jobDetailedId = jobRecord.documentID;
return _screenBuild(context, detailedJob);
Widget _screenBuild(BuildContext context, Job detailedJob) {
return Text(detailedJob.description);
I thought .then would fire when Firestore returned the document, it doesn't fire.
Is this the best, most clear way of attacking the problem? Would it be better to use a Future? Or Asnc await from initState(), and then use setState()?
This snippet should do the work.
Widget _buildBody(BuildContext context, String countryCode, String area, String jobDetailedId) {
Job detailedJob;
return StreamBuilder<DocumentSnapshot>(
stream: Firestore.instance.collection("$countryCode/$area/JobsDetailed").document(jobDetailedId).snapshots(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<DocumentSnapshot> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
return Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
} else {
var jobRecord = snapshot.data.data; // contains document fields
if(jobRecord == null) {
return Text("Document doesn't exist");
else {
detailedJob = Job.fromSnapshot(snapshot.data);
detailedJob.jobDetailedId = jobRecord.documentID;
return _screenBuild(context, detailedJob);