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R Shiny renderMenu unexpected behavior

I'm coming back to R after a more than two years break, and it's not easy.

I've created an interface thanks to shinydashboard package, including two different menus in the sidebar: one short and one extended. The extended menu should display when you click on the "Country" tab, but it opens very fast and then returns to short menu, and I don't understand why. The menus are rendered from the server side. Thank you very much for any help.

This is the ui code :


 ui <- dashboardPage(
       title = "2019 CENSUS",
       titleWidth = 500), # f. de dashboardHeader

     dashboardSidebar(#Sidebar contents
       sidebarMenu(id = "Menu1",

     ), # closes dashboardSidebar

     #### BODY CONTENTS #####


       # Title
                                 .main-header .logo {
                                 font-family: "Georgia", Times, "Times New Roman", serif;
                                 font-weight: bold;
                                 font-size: 16px;
                                 '))), # closes tags$head(tags$style(HTML('

         # Geo levels tab contents
         tabItem(tabName = "levels",
                   box(width = 12, background = "light-blue",title = "Welcome", "Please choose a geo level from the three available then click on the 'Home datas' tab") # closes box
                 ) # closes fluidRow
         ), # closes tabItem

         # Country level tab contents
         tabItem(tabName = "country",
                   box(title = "Country level : please, click on the 'Home datas' tab to view datas", width = 12, background = "olive") # closes box
                ) # closes fluidRow
         ), # closes tabItem

         # Counties tab contents
         tabItem(tabName = "counties",
                   box(title = "Counties level", width = 3, solidHeader = TRUE, status = "primary",
                       checkboxGroupInput("dynamic_provinces", label = "", c("North","South","Islands"))) # closes box
                 ), # closes fluidRow

                   box(title = "North county", width = 9, background = "light-blue"),  # closes box


                 ), # closes fluidRow

                  box(title = "South county", width = 9, background = "orange"), # closes box


                 ), # closes fluidRow

                   box(title = "Islands county", width = 9, background = "olive"),  # closes box

                 ) # closes fluidRow

              ) # closes tabItem

            ) # closes tabItems

          ) # closes dashboardBody    

        ) # closes dashboardPage

And the server code :

 shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

   # Initialize reactive values
   rv10 <- reactiveValues(selection = numeric())

   rv10$selection <- 0 # extended/short menu reactive value : extended menu if = 1/ short menu if = 0


   updateTabItems(session, "Menu1", "welcome")

   ############## SETTING MENU DEPENDING ON THE VALUE OF rv10$selection ################

   output$Menu <- renderMenu({
     if (rv10$selection == 1) { # extended/short menu reactive value : extended menu if = 1/ short menu if = 0
       sidebarMenu(# Short menu
         menuItem(strong("Geo levels"), tabName = "levels", icon = icon("arrow-down"),selected = TRUE),
         menuSubItem("Country", tabName = "country", icon = icon("globe-americas")),
         menuSubItem("Counties", tabName = "counties", icon = icon("parking")),
         menuItem(strong("Home datas"), tabName = "home_datas", icon = icon("home"),
                  menuSubItem("Home data 1", tabName = "home_1", icon = icon("home")),
                  menuSubItem("Home data 2", tabName = "home_2", icon = icon("home"))),
         menuItem(strong("Quit"), tabName = "quit", icon = icon("remove"))

       ) # closes sidebarMenu
     } # closes if

     else {

       sidebarMenu(# Extended menu
         menuItem(strong("Geo levels"), tabName = "levels", icon = icon("arrow-down"),selected = TRUE),
         menuSubItem("Country", tabName = "country", icon = icon("globe-americas")),
         menuSubItem("Counties", tabName = "counties", icon = icon("parking")),
         menuItem(strong("Quit"), tabName = "quit", icon = icon("remove"))

       ) # closes sidebarMenu

     } # closes else

   }) # closes output$Menu <- renderMenu({

   #### OBSERVEEVENT #####

   observeEvent(input$Menu1, {

     # If click on the "Geo levels" tab -> short menu

     if (input$Menu1 == "levels"){

       rv10$selection <- 0 # rv10$selection = 0 -> displaying the short menu
       print(paste("rv10$selection value =", rv10$selection)) # displaying the value of rv10$selection

     # If click on the "Country" tab -> extended menu

     if(input$Menu1 == "country"){

       rv10$selection <- 1 # rv10$selection = 1 -> displaying the extended menu
       print(paste("rv10$selection value =", rv10$selection))

     # If click on the "counties" tab -> short menu

     if(input$Menu1 == "counties"){

       rv10$selection <- 0 # rv10$selection = 0 -> displaying the short menu
       print(paste("rv10$selection value =", rv10$selection))

     #### CLOSING THE APP ####

     if (input$Menu1 == "quit"){


   }) # closes ObserveEvent(input$Menu1

 }) # closes shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

Thank you very much for your help.


  • Be careful with your closing brackets. menuSubItem() is placed inside a menuItem().


     sidebarMenu(# Short menu
             menuItem(strong("Geo levels"), tabName = "levels", icon = icon("arrow-down"),selected = TRUE),
             menuSubItem("Country", tabName = "country", icon = icon("globe-americas")),
             menuSubItem("Counties", tabName = "counties", icon = icon("parking")),
             menuItem(strong("Home datas"), tabName = "home_datas", icon = icon("home"),
                      menuSubItem("Home data 1", tabName = "home_1", icon = icon("home")),
                      menuSubItem("Home data 2", tabName = "home_2", icon = icon("home"))),
             menuItem(strong("Quit"), tabName = "quit", icon = icon("remove"))
           ) # closes sidebarMenu

    Correct version:

    sidebarMenu(# Short menu
            menuItem(strong("Geo levels"), tabName = "levels", icon = icon("arrow-down"),selected = TRUE,
            menuSubItem("Country", tabName = "country", icon = icon("globe-americas")),
            menuSubItem("Counties", tabName = "counties", icon = icon("parking"))),
            menuItem(strong("Home datas"), tabName = "home_datas", icon = icon("home"),
                     menuSubItem("Home data 1", tabName = "home_1", icon = icon("home")),
                     menuSubItem("Home data 2", tabName = "home_2", icon = icon("home"))),
            menuItem(strong("Quit"), tabName = "quit", icon = icon("remove"))

    All I've done is remove the closing bracket at the end of the first menuItem() and placed it at the end of the second menuSubItem()

    enter image description here

    Full server code:

    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      # Initialize reactive values
      rv10 <- reactiveValues(selection = numeric())
      rv10$selection <- 0 # extended/short menu reactive value : extended menu if = 1/ short menu if = 0
      #### FOCUS ON THE WELCOME TAB ####
      updateTabItems(session, "Menu1", "welcome")
      ############## SETTING MENU DEPENDING ON THE VALUE OF rv10$selection ################
      output$Menu <- renderMenu({
        if (rv10$selection == 1) { # extended/short menu reactive value : extended menu if = 1/ short menu if = 0
          sidebarMenu(# Short menu
            menuItem(strong("Geo levels"), tabName = "levels", icon = icon("arrow-down"),selected = TRUE,
            menuSubItem("Country", tabName = "country", icon = icon("globe-americas")),
            menuSubItem("Counties", tabName = "counties", icon = icon("parking")),
            startExpanded = TRUE
            menuItem(strong("Home datas"), tabName = "home_datas", icon = icon("home"),
                     menuSubItem("Home data 1", tabName = "home_1", icon = icon("home")),
                     menuSubItem("Home data 2", tabName = "home_2", icon = icon("home")), 
                     startExpanded = TRUE
            menuItem(strong("Quit"), tabName = "quit", icon = icon("remove"))
          ) # closes sidebarMenu
        } # closes if
        else {
          sidebarMenu(# Extended menu
            menuItem(strong("Geo levels"), tabName = "levels", icon = icon("arrow-down"),selected = TRUE),
            menuSubItem("Country", tabName = "country", icon = icon("globe-americas")),
            menuSubItem("Counties", tabName = "counties", icon = icon("parking")),
            menuItem(strong("Quit"), tabName = "quit", icon = icon("remove"))
          ) # closes sidebarMenu
        } # closes else
      }) # closes output$Menu <- renderMenu({
      #### OBSERVEEVENT #####
      observeEvent(input$Menu1, {
        # If click on the "Geo levels" tab -> short menu
        if (input$Menu1 == "levels"){
          rv10$selection <- 0 # rv10$selection = 0 -> displaying the short menu
          print(paste("rv10$selection value =", rv10$selection)) # displaying the value of rv10$selection
        # If click on the "Country" tab -> extended menu
        if(input$Menu1 == "country"){
          rv10$selection <- 1 # rv10$selection = 1 -> displaying the extended menu
          print(paste("rv10$selection value =", rv10$selection))
        # If click on the "counties" tab -> short menu
        if(input$Menu1 == "counties"){
          rv10$selection <- 0 # rv10$selection = 0 -> displaying the short menu
          print(paste("rv10$selection value =", rv10$selection))
        #### CLOSING THE APP ####
        if (input$Menu1 == "quit"){
      }) # closes ObserveEvent(input$Menu1
    } # closes shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

    Then run with:

    shinyApp(ui, server)