I wrote this in PowerShell: Ideally it should check $myDIRECTORY and get all the files that have been created during $myCreationTime, it works flawlessly, now I want to access the file, so I wrote a For-Each-Object{} to print the file:
Get-ChildItem $myDIRECTORY | Where-Object {
$_.CreationTime.Date.ToString() -match $myCreationTime | ForEach-Object{
Write-Host $_.ToString()
However I get the boolean Match value, so:
How can I get the True file? $_.BaseName isn't working and it's unsurprisingly, I understand it's a boolean, so I don't even know why I tried it!
In your foreach loop you get only the result of the match operation.
Try it like that:
Get-ChildItem $myDIRECTORY | ForEach-Object {
If ($_.CreationTime.Date.ToString() -match $myCreationTime) {