I am confused by the usage of a double asterisk postpended to a class type in C++.
A paraphrase of the code I am reading would be
class ThisClass : protected SuperClass
void MemberFunction(ThisClass** identifier);
I understand that ThisClass* identifier
, with one asterisk, means that identifier
is a pointer to an instance of ThisClass
Is **
a repeated round of 'pointing', or has an altogether different meaning?
How should I interpret the argument of the member function?
Is ** a repeated round of 'pointing',
Yes, it signifies that identifier
's type is pointer-to-pointer-to-ThisClass
, i.e. that is points to a ThisClass*
object, which is itself a pointer-type object (pointing to a ThisClass
or has an altogether different meaning?
No, no special meanings.
Similarly in an expression **
signifies repeated dereferencing.