Search code examples

Elasticsearch responding blank _source

I am using @elastic/elasticsearch library in my node project and i am trying to create an index like this

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({ node: 'http://localhost:9200' })
await client.index({
    index: 'myIndex',
    refresh: true,
    body: {
        category: '',
        something_else: ''

When i am trying to fetch a record

const { body } = await{
    index: 'myIndex',
    body: {
        query: {
            "match_all": {}

The response is

    "_index": "myIndex",
    "_type": "_doc",
    "_id": "cjijWHEBHKa8WEr-JNYu",
    "_score": 1,
    "_source": {}


  • You basically missed a small thing, while indexing you are sending empty data in both your category and something_else field and in _source field, ES stores what you send as part of your JSON payload. _id is auto-generated in your case, hence you see the data there, but it was not part of your body(JSON payload), which would form _source content, hence its empty.

    If you just include some data in your fields, those documents will have the _source data.

    Let me show you by an example.

    Index Def

        "mappings": {
            "properties": {
                "category": {
                    "type": "text"
                "something_else": {
                    "type": "text"

    Index doc with empty data.

    POST /{{your-index-name}}/_doc/1

       --> note empty data or payload

    Search request

        "query": {
            "match_all": {}

    Search response which shows empty _source

       "hits": [
                "_index": "justno",
                "_type": "_doc",
                "_id": "3",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {} --> Output similar to yours

    Index doc with some sample data

        "category": "foo",
        "something_else": "bar"

    Again match-all search query, gives below result

     "hits": [
                    "_index": "justno",
                    "_type": "_doc",
                    "_id": "4",
                    "_score": 1.0,
                    "_source": { --> doc which had data, while indexing
                        "category": "foo",
                        "something_else": "bar"
                    "_index": "justno",
                    "_type": "_doc",
                    "_id": "1",
                    "_score": 1.0,
                    "_source": {} --> note first doc response