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I need to sum the columns by a particular condition and display in the row as total using exceljs nodejs

Here is my excel file I generated using exceljs.I need to add the weight for every grnNo and display the result as a total at the end of that particular grnNo,Something like this.

Here is my code

  var userss = inward.aggregate([{
                $match: {
                    $and: [
                        { "defaultAccountId": { "$gte": parseInt(userParam.defaultAccountId), "$lte": parseInt(userParam.defaultAccountId) } },
                    $or: [{ "createdDate": { "$gte": start, "$lte": end } }]
                $unwind: "$fabricArray"
                $project: {
                    grnNo: "$grnNo",
                    grnDate: "$grnDate",
                    party: "$party",
                    orderNo: "$orderNo",
                    lotNo: "$lotNo",
                    buyer: "$buyer",
                    vehicleNo: "$vehicleNo",
                    dyeingName: "$dyeingName",
                    dyeingDcNo: "$dyeingDcNo",
                    partyDcNo: "$partyDcNo",
                    weight: "$weight",
                    fabricName: "$fabricArray.fabricName",
                    fabricColor: "$fabricArray.color",
                    fabricDia: "$fabricArray.dia",
                    fabricRolls: "$fabricArray.rolls",
                    fabricTotalKgs: "$fabricArray.totalKgs",
                    fabricRemarks: "$fabricArray.remarks",
                    color: "$color",
                    fabricCondition: "$fabricCondition",
                    partyDcRolls: "$partyDcRolls"

        ], function(err, result) {
            if (err) {

            var workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
            var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('Inwards')
            worksheet.columns = [
                { key: "grnNo", header: "GRN_No" },
                { key: "grnDate", header: "Date" },
                { key: "party", header: "Party" },
                { key: "orderNo", header: "OrderNo" },
                { key: "lotNo", header: "LotNo" },
                { key: "buyer", header: "Buyer" },
                { key: "vehicleNo", header: "VehicleNo" },
                { key: "dyeingName", header: "dyeingName" },
                { key: "dyeingDcNo", header: "DyeingDcNo" },
                { key: "partyDcNo", header: "PartyDcNo" },
                { key: "color", header: "Color" },
                { key: "fabricCondition", header: "Fabric_Condition" },
                { key: "partyDcRolls", header: "PartyDcRolls" },
                { key: "weight", header: "Weight" },
                { key: "fabricName", header: "Fabric_Name" },
                { key: "fabricColor", header: "Fabric_Color" },
                { key: "fabricDia", header: "Fabric_Dia" },
                { key: "fabricRolls", header: "Fabric_Rolls" },
                { key: "fabricTotalKgs", header: "Total_Kgs" },
                { key: "fabricRemarks", header: "Remarks" },


            worksheet.getCell('A1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('B1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('C1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('D1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('E1').font = {
                bold: true

            worksheet.getCell('F1').font = {
                bold: true

            worksheet.getCell('G1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('H1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('I1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('J1').font = {
                bold: true

            worksheet.getCell('K1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('L1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('M1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('N1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('O1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('P1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('Q1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('R1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('S1').font = {
                bold: true
            worksheet.getCell('T1').font = {
                bold: true

            worksheet.getCell('U1').value = { formula: 'N2+N5', result: undefined };

            result.forEach(function(row, rows) {

                .then(function() {
                    console.log("excel file created successfully");

        return await (userss)


I am a total beginner, any idea how to do it?. I don't know whether to calculate my expected total values while fetching data's from the database or is there any function that can do this task in exceljs itself. Thanks in advance:)


  • I found the answer, hope it will help someone. I didn't get my expected result by using exceljs, so I just switched to excel4node. Here I calculated the value and inserted into the cell

     async function getInwards(userParam) {
            const dateTime = new Date().toISOString().slice(-24).replace(/\D/g,
                '').slice(0, 14);
            const filePath = "Inwards" + dateTime + ".xlsx";
            const start = new Date(userParam.fromDate);
            const end = new Date(userParam.toDate);
            var wb = new xl.Workbook();
            var ws = wb.addWorksheet('Inwards')
            if (userParam.fromDate && userParam.toDate) {
                var inw = await inward.find({
                    defaultAccountId: { "$gte": parseInt(userParam.defaultAccountId), "$lte": parseInt(userParam.defaultAccountId) },
                    createdDate: { "$gte": start, "$lte": end }
                var style = wb.createStyle({
                    font: {
                        bold: true
                    numberFormat: '$#,##0.00; ($#,##0.00); -',
                ws.cell(1, 1)
                ws.cell(1, 2)
                ws.cell(1, 3)
                ws.cell(1, 4)
                ws.cell(1, 5)
                ws.cell(1, 6)
                ws.cell(1, 7)
                ws.cell(1, 8)
                ws.cell(1, 9)
                ws.cell(1, 10)
                ws.cell(1, 11)
                ws.cell(1, 12)
                ws.cell(1, 13)
                ws.cell(1, 14)
                ws.cell(1, 15)
                ws.cell(1, 16)
                ws.cell(1, 17)
                ws.cell(1, 18)
                ws.cell(1, 19)
                ws.cell(1, 20)
                const n = inw.length
                var count = 0;
                for (a = 0; a < n; a++) {
                    const nn = inw[a].fabricArray
                    const nnn = nn.length
                    var addrolls = 0;
                    var addtotal = 0;
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 1)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 2)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 3)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 4)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 5)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 6)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 7)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 8)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 9)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 10)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 11)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 12)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 13)
                    ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 14)
                    for (i = 0; i < nnn; i++) {
                        ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 15)
                        ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 16)
                        ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 17)
                        ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 18)
                        ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 19)
                        ws.cell(a + 2 + count, 20)
                        count = count + 1
                        addrolls = addrolls + inw[a].fabricArray[i].rolls.value
                        addtotal = addtotal + inw[a].fabricArray[i].totalKgs.value
                    ws.cell(a + count + 2, 17)
                    ws.cell(a + count + 2, 18)
                    ws.cell(a + count + 2, 19)
                wb.write(filePath, function(err, stats) {
                    if (err) {
                        return err
                if (inw) {
                    return await (inw)