Team, I am trying to upload a file from local machine to azure blob storage account. I am able to upload file by running script in local power shell. However when i tried same script in Azure Automation Power shell runbook I am getting error.
Test-Path -Path 'D:\UploadFolder\Sample.txt' -- Returns True in local powershell while uploading
Test-Path -Path 'D:\UploadFolder\Sample.txt' -- Returns False in azure automation powershell runbook while uploading
Error: Drive 'D' not found
I checked below code in Runbook which return false.
Get-PSDrive -Name 'D' -- Return false
My Questions:
1) How we can access any local file path in runbook ?
2) Do we have any blade in azure to store/create files in Automation Account itself?. (Purpose of this asking is "I Would like to create file in azure automation manually/script wise to write some content in to it and later to upload same file in Azure blob storage.)
Thanks in advance
You cannot access your local system file through Azure Automation. If you have small information like key-value, you store in Azure Automation variable section
//Get variable value in Automation PowerShell script
$cosmosDbAccountName = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'CosmosDbAccountName'
$databaseName = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'DatabaseName'
Option 1
You can upload your file in blob and read a blob from Azure Automation Script.
Option 2
You can use WebJob (App Service) to run PowerShell script and you can upload both script and file in WebJob.