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How to execute sql file with Slick 3.0.0

I have a structure like this

└── main
    ├── resources
    │   └── inserts.sql
    └── my.package
        └── Main.scala

In Main.scala I want to take the file inserts.sql and use Slick 3.0.0 to execute it on my db.


  • Looks like there is no way to execute a sql file with Slick other then loading it into memory as a String and executing it with sql, sqlu or tsql.

    Beware that in this case the $ interpolation is meant to insert bind variables into the query. To splice literal values into the query you must use #$ instead. Since in this case the variable is the whole query, we have to do

    val inserts_sql = Source.fromResource("inserts.sql").mkString"#$query")