I am using Pycharm and the folium maps are not being displayed. My code is as follows:
import folium
from folium import plugins
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
m = folium.Map([52.5, 2], zoom_start=5.5)
But I am able to save it as html and it is correctly displayed in html.
You can't open the map directly in pycharm. Yet, as you stated you can make an HTML File of it.
Here's a little function to auto-open it in browser:
def auto_open(path):
html_page = f'{path}'
# open in browser.
new = 2
webbrowser.open(html_page, new=new)
I'm using fuliom like this in a Django app, it's quite useful as render tool as well.
Folium also provides ability to save the map to images, check it out.