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Change WooCommerce products menu title in WordPress admin dashboard

We have tried to change the products page at the back end title menu but we couldn't using the snippet below in the screenshot:

enter image description here

We need to change both the menu title "Products" to " New Title " & Sumbmenu "All Products" to " All Submenu "

add_filter( 'gettext', 'custom_translate_woocommerce_strings', 999, 3 );

function custom_translate_woocommerce_strings( $translated, $text, $domain ) {

    $translated = str_ireplace( 'Product', 'New Title', $translated );

    return $translated;


  • The first part of the code is to debug, this will show you the menu in detail on the dashboard. (you can remove this afterwards)

    The 2nd part in this example adds the changes

    enter image description here

    It is therefore a matter of adjusting based on the detail

    // DEBUG: This displays the complete wordpress admin menu on your dashboard for admin only.
    function debug_admin_menus() {
        global $menu, $submenu, $pagenow;
        if ( current_user_can('manage_options') ) {
            if( $pagenow == 'index.php' ) {  // print on dashboard
                echo '<pre>', print_r( $menu, 1 ), '</pre>'; // top level menus
                echo '<pre>', print_r( $submenu, 1 ), '</pre>'; // submenus
    add_action( 'admin_notices', 'debug_admin_menus' );
    // Change label
    function custom_change_admin_label() {
        global $menu, $submenu;
        $menu[26][0] = 'New Title';
        $submenu['edit.php?post_type=product'][5][0] = 'All Submenu';
    add_action( 'admin_menu', 'custom_change_admin_label' );