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Python, Chaquopy, ImportError on Android when using tensorflow due to lack of semaphores

I'm running keras with tensorflow on Android using Chaquopy. When I call predict() on my model, I get an exception with the following stack trace:

AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 10113
AndroidRuntime: com.chaquo.python.PyException: ImportError: This platform lacks a functioning sem_open implementation, therefore, the required synchronization primitives needed will not function, see issue 3770.
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.multiprocessing.synchronize.<module>(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.zipimport.load_module(<frozen zipimport>:259)
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.java.chaquopy.import_override(import.pxi:60)
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.multiprocessing.context.Lock(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.multiprocessing.queues.__init__(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.multiprocessing.context.SimpleQueue(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.multiprocessing.pool.__init__(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.multiprocessing.pool.__init__(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.tensorflow.python.keras.engine.training_utils.get_copy_pool(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.tensorflow.python.keras.engine.training_utils.__init__(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.tensorflow.python.keras.engine.training_utils.create(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.tensorflow.python.keras.engine.training_v2.run_one_epoch(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.tensorflow.python.keras.engine.training_v2._model_iteration(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>.tensorflow.python.keras.engine.training_v2.predict(
AndroidRuntime:     at <python>

My understanding is that Android does not support semaphores.

Does anyone have any sort of workaround for this?


  • Keras is actually trying to use a simple thread pool, but it looks like the standard library is pulling in some inter-process synchronization code anyway. I guess this hasn't been noticed because all the major platforms support semaphores.

    To work around it, run the following code before you use Keras:

        import multiprocessing
        import threading
        def threading_func(name):
            def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return getattr(threading, name)(*args, **kwargs)
            f.__name__ = f.__qualname__ = name
            return f
        ctx = multiprocessing.get_context()
        for name in ["Lock", "RLock", "Condition", "Semaphore", "BoundedSemaphore",
                     "Event", "Barrier"]:
            setattr(type(ctx), name, threading_func(name))
            setattr(multiprocessing, name, getattr(ctx, name))

    Please let me know in a comment whether this works, as I'll probably incorporate it into the next version of Chaquopy.