Lets say I have a table like this:
newbook_mast (book_id varchar(15) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
book_name varchar(50) ,
isbn_no varchar(15) NOT NULL UNIQUE ,
cate_id varchar(8) ,
aut_id varchar(8) ,
pub_id varchar(8) ,
dt_of_pub date ,
pub_lang varchar(15) ,
no_page decimal(5,0)
book_price decimal(8,2) ,
PRIMARY KEY (book_id)
If I wanted to add a check on a column I would simply write :
But instead of writing the code I am creating diagram models in the mysql workbench. I am unable to find how I can add a check like above by just using the diagram model?
Is it possible?
MySQL Workbench as of at least version 8.0.19 does not support CHECK constraints in navigator, table editor, or diagrams.
This has been reported as a missing feature:
https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=95143 No support for CHECK constraints in Workbench
You should log into the bugs site and click the "Affects Me" button on that bug.