I'm trying to solve this exponential equation like this:
my ($l,$r);
for (1 .. 100) -> $x {
$l = $x * e ** $x;
$r = 5 * (e ** $x - 1);
say $x if $l == $r;
But it doesn't work. How to solve it in a straightforward and comprehensive fashion?
Sorry for the double-answering.
But here is a totally different much simpler approach solved in Raku.
(It probably can be formulated more elegant.)
#!/usr/bin/env raku
sub solver ($equ, $acc, $lower0, $upper0) {
my Real $lower = $lower0;
my Real $upper = $upper0;
my Real $middle = ($lower + $upper) / 2;
# zero must be in between
sign($equ($lower)) != sign($equ($upper)) || die 'Bad interval!';
for ^$acc { # accuracy steps
if sign($equ($lower)) != sign($equ($middle))
{ $upper = $middle }
{ $lower = $middle }
$middle = ($upper + $lower) / 2;
return $middle;
my $equ = -> $x { $x * e ** $x - 5 * (e ** $x - 1) }; # left side - right side
my $acc = 64; # 64 bit accuracy
my Real $lower = 1; # start search here
my Real $upper = 100; # end search here
my $solution = solver $equ, $acc, $lower, $upper;
say 'result is ', $solution;
say 'Inserted in equation calculates to ', $equ($solution), ' (hopefully nearly zero)'