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How to construct slice of structs dynamically using reflection

I was trying to construct slice of Book structs with pointers but I was unable to get it work with reflection in Go.

[]*Book slice of Book struct pointers , please note that scanResults method might receive any type of slice and not only Book struct. So am looking to build a slice at runtime dynamically

Can you please let me know what I was getting wrong in the below code snippet?

package main

import (

type Book struct {
    Id    int
    Title string
    Price float32

func main() {
    var dest []*Book

func scanResults(dest interface{}) error{
   resultsFromExternalSource := []interface{}{10 , "user-name" , float32(22)}

    value := reflect.ValueOf(dest)
    if value.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
        return errors.New("must pass a pointer, not a value, to scan results into struct destination")

    sliceElement := reflect.TypeOf(dest).Elem()
    if sliceElement.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
        return fmt.Errorf("expected %s but got %s", reflect.Slice, sliceElement.Kind())

    structPtr := sliceElement.Elem()
    if structPtr.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
        return fmt.Errorf("expected %s but got %s", reflect.Ptr, structPtr.Kind())

    structElemType := reflect.TypeOf(structPtr).Elem()
    if structElemType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
        return fmt.Errorf("expected %s but got %s", reflect.Struct, structElemType.Kind())

 structRecordInterface := reflect.New(structElemType).Elem().Interface() // create a new struct
            structRecordType := reflect.TypeOf(structRecordInterface)
            structRecordValue := reflect.ValueOf(structRecordType)

    for i, result := range resultsFromExternalSource {

                if structRecordValue.Field(i).CanSet() {
                } else {
                    varName := structRecordType.Field(i).Name
                    varType := structRecordType.Field(i).Type
                    return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan results into passed struct destination as the struct field %v with %v type is not settable", varName, varType)
     return nil



  • You are almost there. Here's some working code with commentary:

    var errBadArg = errors.New("must pass pointer to slice of pointer to struct")
    func scanResults(dest interface{}) error {
        resultsFromExternalSource := [][]interface{}{
            {10, "user-name", float32(22)},
            {20, "i-love-reflect", float32(100)},
        // Get reflect.Value for the destination confirm that
        // the destination is a pointer to a slice of pointers
        // to a struct. The tests can be omitted if it's acceptable
        // to panic on bad input argument.
        destv := reflect.ValueOf(dest)
        if destv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
            return errBadArg
        // Deference the pointer to get the slice.
        destv = destv.Elem()
        if destv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
            return errBadArg
        elemt := destv.Type().Elem()
        if elemt.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
            return errBadArg
        // "deference" the element type to get the struct type.
        elemt = elemt.Elem() 
        if elemt.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
            return errBadArg
        // For each row in the result set...
        for j, row := range resultsFromExternalSource {
            // Return error if more columns than fields in struct.
            if len(row) > elemt.NumField() {
                return errors.New("result larger than struct")
            // Allocate a new slice element.
            elemp := reflect.New(elemt)
            // Dereference the pointer for field access.
            elemv := elemp.Elem()
            for i, col := range row {
                fieldv := elemv.Field(i)
                colv := reflect.ValueOf(col)
                // Check to see if assignment to field will work
                if !colv.Type().AssignableTo(fieldv.Type()) {
                    return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %s to %s in row %d column %d", colv.Type(), fieldv.Type(), j, i)
                // Set the field.
            // Append element to the slice.
            destv.Set(reflect.Append(destv, elemp))
        return nil

    Run it on the playground.