So it has been several years since I have done anything With R studio and I cannot remember a thing about it..
I have currently read 12 different CSV files into the console using the read_csv() function for each one respectively and this has given my twelve tibbles.
Now I need to combine these together using the bind_rows() function but I have no idea how to do this. Every attempt I have made has given the error code "argument 1 must have names"
Any help for a novice would be much appreciated. I have copied 2 parts of my code bellow.
Read the Hereford crime data into R using function read_csv() in package readr
bind data frames
bind_rows("2019-01-west-mercia-street.csv", 2019-02-west-mercia-street.csv")
Error: Argument 1 must have names
Thats because you try to bind two strings together, where the function expects two data.frames
df1 <- read_csv("2019-01-west-mercia-street.csv")
df2 <- read_csv("2019-02-west-mercia-street.csv")
bind_rows(df1, df2)
But if I were you, I'd import them all at once with import_list()
from the rio
package. Lets say you get all the 12 file names of the csv's with
files <- dir(pattern = "csv$")
Then you could easily import and row bind them with
df <- import_list(files, rbind = TRUE, setclass = "tbl")
where setclass
sets the output to a tibble.