I have a list with repeated items like:
Movies = ['Batman Return', 'Minions', 'Slow Burn',
'Defensor', 'Minions', 'Batman Return',
'All is lost', 'Minions']
You can see that there are two repeated items, and I need created a list with only this elements like that:
Top_Movies = ['Batman Return', 'Minions']
Order is important.
I know how delete repeated items but I don't know how to do the opposite.
you can use collections.Counter
from collections import Counter
Movies = ['Batman Return', 'Minions', 'Slow Burn',
'Defensor', 'Minions', 'Batman Return',
'All is lost', 'Minions']
Top_Movies = [k for k, v in Counter(Movies).items() if v > 1]
['Batman Return', 'Minions']
the order is guaranteed if you use a python version >= 3.6