I'm applying a filter on my audio file before adding it to the video. This is the command I use:
ffmpeg -y -i video-input.mp4 -f lavfi -i "amovie=audio.mp3:loop=0,asetpts=N/SR/TB,afade=in:st=0:d=1,afade=out:st=92:d=2" -shortest -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict -2 video-output.mp4
I would like to use a https input:
ffmpeg -y -i video-input.mp4 -f lavfi -i "amovie=https://www.xxxx.com/audio.mp3:loop=0,asetpts=N/SR/TB,afade=in:st=0:d=1,afade=out:st=92:d=2" -shortest -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict -2 video-output.mp4
But this is the error I get:
[Parsed_amovie_0 @ 0x55da3a414a40] Failed to avformat_open_input 'https'
[lavfi @ 0x55da3a436660] Error initializing filter 'amovie' with args 'https://www.xxxx.com/audio.mp3:loop=0'
amovie=https://www.xxxx.com/audio.mp3:loop=0,asetpts=N/SR/TB: No such file or directory
From the "amovie" documentation on ffmpeg:
filename: The name of the resource to read (not necessarily a file; it can also be a device or a stream accessed through some protocol).
How can I use a https input in my audio filter ?
The URL has to be escaped as :
is a special character, as is /
. So, for bash, use