I'm working on some mIRC script that required a prepend string on each line followed with a line number increased from the number contained on the previous line, if there is one.
n0=1:mIRC NewsURL:http://www.mirc.com/news.html
n1=2:mIRC RegisterURL:http://www.mirc.com/register.html
n2=3:mIRC HelpURL:http://www.mirc.com/help.html
So, if I am on the first line: [ips]
(which does not start with a pattern n*=
) and I press ENTER
, I would like the next line to be prepended with n0=
But, if I am on the last line n2=3:mIRC HelpURL:http://www.mirc.com/help.html
(which start with a pattern n*=
) and I press ENTER
, I would like the next line to be prepended with n3=
Is there's a way to make it happens?
A plugin can do this kind of thing. Basically what we want is to override the normal behavior of enter when the line contains n*=
at the beginning where *
is a number. For this, we require a custom EventListener
that implements a on_query_context
method & a custom command that runs when the context is fulfilled.
import re
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class MrcScriptEventListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
""" A custom event listener that implements an on_query_context method which checks to see if
the start of the line if of the form n*= where * = number.
def on_query_context(self, view, key, operator, operand, match_all):
current_pt = view.sel()[0].begin()
desired = view.substr(view.line(view.sel()[0].begin()))
if key != "mrc_script":
return None
if operator != sublime.OP_REGEX_MATCH:
return None
if operator == sublime.OP_REGEX_MATCH:
return re.search(operand, desired)
return None
class MrcScriptCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
""" A custom command that is executed when the context set by the MrcScript event listener
is fulfilled.
def run(self, edit):
current_line = self.view.substr(self.view.line(self.view.sel()[0].begin()))
match_pattern = r"^(n\d+=)"
if re.search(match_pattern, current_line):
num = int(re.match(match_pattern, current_line).groups()[0][1:-1]) + 1
self.view.run_command("insert", {
"characters": "\nn{}=".format(num)
The key binding is as follows:-
"keys": ["enter"],
"command": "mrc_script",
"context": [
"key": "mrc_script",
"operator": "regex_match",
"operand": "^(n\\d+=)"
I'll not go into the details of how this plugin works. All that is required to make this work is to follow the instructions given in this gist.
Here's a gif of it in action :-
part of your request as I think that'll make the plugin unnecessarily complicated.n
& =
& increments it accordingly for the next line. So it's not smart about whether such a line is already present or not.Hopefully, this meets your requirements.