Most tutorials about prettifying Urls in Rails explain how to get Urls like
, which is very easy by using the to_param method.
What I want is to prettify Urls in a Rails 3 app like Stackoverflow does (
). The some-sluggish-slug
could be any string there, it is just for having a nicer Url and is simply ignored by all logic (like in Stackoverflow). Is there an easy way to do that, too? Or do I have to rewrite the Url somehow before it gets to the routes file or in the routes file itself?
Follow the tutorials, but instead of having a hyphen after the ID, have a /
. You will need to write a route to cope with this.
match 'resource/:id', :to => 'resources#show', :id => /\d+\/[a-z0-9\-]+/, :as => 'public_post'