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NestJS/Elastic apm: agent does not record database query spans

I'm using elastic apm to profiling my NestJS application and my apm agent is elastic-apm-node. My ORM is typeOrm and my database is Oracle.

My problem is apm agent does not record database query spans and I can't see database query spans in kibana ui. Can anyone help me?


  • unfortunately oracle is not supported by elastic apm agent. you should wrap your oracleQueryRunner in order to start and end agent spans manually. put this code in your main.ts file:

    import { OracleQueryRunner } from 'typeorm/driver/oracle/OracleQueryRunner';
    const query = OracleQueryRunner.prototype.query;
    OracleQueryRunner.prototype.query = async function (...args) {
      const span = apm.startSpan('query');
      if (span) {
        span.type = 'db';
        span.action = args[0];
      const result = await query.bind(this)(...args);
      if (span) { span.end(); }
      return result;