I followed the steps to create and publish a nuget package including a readme.txt. (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/quickstart/create-and-publish-a-package-using-visual-studio?tabs=netcore-cli)
The initial version of the readme.txt correctly opens when the package is installed. But, I made changes to the readme.txt, re-packed it, re-added it to my local nuget feed (I deleted the previous), and when I install it, it opens the initial version of the readme.txt. My changes are not in it.
The dates of the package are updated in both my bin\Release and C:\LocalNugetPackageFeed\packages.
At first, I was thinking the issue was that my package was not grabbing the latest version of the readme.txt. Here, it's because my package was being cached. To fix the issue, I went to Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > General > Clear All NuGet Cache(s).
After doing this, my updated readme.txt would show after installing the package.