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How do I export an interface written in C# to achieve Delphi code generated by TLB

I'm currently developing a "drop-in" replacement of an old COM interface (which is used to communicate with other devices). This interface is currently used in a big application. The old COM interface is now deprecated by the author of the library they now only support and develop a C# interface. My task is to develop the above mentioned "drop-in" replacement. Which acts as a proxy between the old application (written in Delphi) and the new C# based interface. Im trying to have as little as possible code changes in the main application. Therefore I try to mimic the the old interface as good as possible. So I'm writing code in C# which then get exported into an TLB file. The TLB file is used to generate the Delphi counterpart using the "TLIBIMP.EXE -P" command.

This is the code which was generated using the old interface. As you can see there is a property Cat which can be called with an index to get the appropriate item of the collection behind it.

IDFoo = interface(IDispatch)
    function Get_Cat(Index: Integer): IDFoo; safecall;
    procedure Set_Cat(Index: Integer; const Evn: IDFoo); safecall;
    property Cat[Index: Integer]: IDFoo read Get_Cat write Set_Cat;

I'm trying to get a C# counterpart which produces a TLB file with the Cat[index] property in it.

So my solution so far is this: C#:

public interface ICat
    ICat this[int index] { get; set; }

And this produces a TLB which then resulting in this Delphi code:

  ICat = interface(IDispatch)
    function Get_Item(index: Integer): ICat; safecall;
    procedure _Set_Item(index: Integer; const pRetVal: ICat); safecall;
    property Item[index: Integer]: ICat read Get_Item write _Set_Item; default;

So far so good. But the property is named "Item" and not like the original "Cat". Does anyone have a hint how I can achieve this?


  • Item is the default name of C# indexers.

    The first possibility is to just rename Item to Cat in the generated Delphi code.

    The second possibility is to specify the C# indexer name:

    public ICat this[int index] { get; set; }